Sunday, May 23, 2010

Medicine and vocation go hand in hand

St. Anthony Messenger magazine has a great online interview with Daniel P. Sulmasy — a medical doctor, ethicist and Franciscan brother.

He recently took a new position at the University of Chicago as the Kilbride-Clinton Professor of Medicine and Ethics in the Department of Medicine and Divinity School. He also maintains a small practice at a clinic for the underserved on the South Side of Chicago.

I like that Sulmasy sees no inherent conflict between his commitment to faith and his commitment to science; in fact, he says, “Being a friar and being a physician go together like air and lungs.”

Service is at the core of both his religious vocation and life as a Franciscan.

Here’s a quote near the end of the interview that I really liked:

“Poet T.S. Eliot said, ‘We had the experience and missed the meaning.’ I think it is very true for physicians. We have incredibly deep encounters with Christ in the work we do on a daily basis. All of us do. Too few have the chance to give ourselves the opportunity to reflect on that.”

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